#IssaShares: The 9 Helpful Weight Loss Tips To Reach Your Goals

I need to face it: I'm not the skinny girl I used to be. Slender legs were replaced with muscular ones, what was once flat is now perked, and my waistline definitely shows the many dishes I have reviewed in the past year.

And honestly, that's okay! However, I do want to maintain the weight I'm at now. Surprisingly, I've lost a tiny bit along the way after trial and error (just less than five pounds in two months). People probably wonder as they see me eat platefuls of food: “You eat way too much but still look so healthy. What do you do?”

I'll show you what I do and more science-backed tips to help you out!

1. It's Not Just About How Much You Eat

You'll be surprised that you can eat so little throughout the day, but what you eat is the culprit.

For example, a bag of chips contains the same amount of calories an entire meal can give you! Or just as bad, the shawarma or fast food you love to eat may contain more fat and grease compared to what's put on their official calorie count.

YES, it's completely fine to indulge in these things once in a while. I like having an entire tub of ice cream, can go all out in buffets or food reviews, though I only do it less than three times a month.

Instead of having these every day, I make a conscious choice of what I eat, how much, and when. As much as possible, I choose vegetables or lean meats. Instead of full fat soda or sugary food packages, I opt to skip it and have a square meal. While you think sugar can give you the energy you need, it just wears you down very quickly. It's the reason why you end up feeling groggier and less energetic throughout the day.

You'll be surprised with how much more energy you'd have when you replace junk with actual meals, soda with water, and lessen the times you eat out.

One thing I gotta improve, though: COOKING MORE! Saves you a ton of money and helps with your skills in the kitchen. Plus, you know exactly what's in your food so it tastes according to your needs and preferences.

I can't tell you exactly what to eat and when, as this depends on what you want and need for your body. But obviously:
  • Choose natural and fresh, as much as possible. Fruits, vegetables, tofu, lean meats, eggs, fibrous cereals and oatmeals, and more. Check out this helpful article to making a healthier grocery list.
  • Lessen the use of oil and fat in your diet, and increase your protein. I recommend that you don't go for anything fast and convenient. Rather, try to meal prep for the week, which saves you a lot of time and money!
  • Keep your carbs to a minimum, and consume them with as minimal processed sugar as possible. This means minimizing your consumption of pastries, soda, candies, and the like.
  • This is when nutritional facts and labels come to amazing use. When at the grocery store, check out the ingredients and nutritional facts of what you’re purchasing.

2. But Of Course, Take Account Portion Sizes!

Just because I tell you to watch what you eat doesn't mean you can go overboard with whatever you feel is healthy. Too much of a good thing can be bad as well, especially when in huge portions. Your stomach won't sit well with it and it just has you feeling sleepy afterwards (we all know that post-buffet bloat sucks, too).

Don’t continuously eat until you're up to your head with food. Instead, be aware and listen to your body. This is pretty difficult to learn, as I don't have a hunger/fullness cue. But I think portioning out my food has really helped, rather than eating sporadically and mindlessly.

When I eat, I try to make sure that everything is in adequate size: one cup of rice (or half), a fistful of my chosen viand, and a glass of water before eating. I don't bother with a drink or dessert after, which helps with my energy. Also, when I eat at home, I tend to use a smaller plate or bowl (not eating from the package itself), which prevents me from filling it up with too much food.

It's a bit more difficult when eating out or with large groups of people, as we tend to eat mindlessly while talking. That's why I tend to be more conscious at this time, having one or two servings of something and eating slower to avoid going back for more. While listening to others, listen to what your stomach is telling you, too!

3. Hydrate!

This may not be a direct weight loss/maintenance tip, but it's especially healthy and has helped with my satiation. We always hear people telling us to drink a glass of water if we ever feel hungry, so you know if it's a craving or not. And it's actually true!

After a meal, some of us still claim to be hungry and want something more to munch on. When I do feel that way, I drink a glass of water and determine if it's truly hunger or just a passing yearn to eat.

I try to drink as much water as possible (10 to 12 glasses since I work out, 8 is the bare minimum). It doesn't only help flush out toxins and suppress your appetite, but it's given me clear skin too! Another alternative is diet soda, and if you need the caffeine, tea or black coffee.

4. Exercise Is Actually Pretty Fun

I'm not the type of person who complains about exercise or says, "I'd rather lift donuts than weights!”. Once you get into an exercise routine you actually enjoy, you'll start craving it just as you do with food.

The reason why I love working out so much isn't because of the calorie burn, but it gives me an amazing feeling right after. There are more goals to reach with working out other than your weight and calories burned! I like reaching goals when lifting weights, running, and cycling.

AND, I learned to make exercise a stress-reliever. When burned out from work or feeling down, I go straight to the gym instead of binge-eating. The burn I feel right after is better than the guilt after polishing off an entire tub of Nutella (I can seriously vouch for that).

No gym? No problem! There are many at-home workouts on YouTube you can try, which require minimal or no equipment. I also like using Nike Run or Training Club (apps you can download on Apple or Android), which has helped me surpass my limits.

Basically, experiment with an exercise routine for a week. Work your way up and tweak it according to what YOU like, as long as it targets all parts of your body. Oh, and don't forget to rest every other day, too!

5. I Like to Walk and Clean

Don't expect to lose as much weight on a sedentary lifestyle. You have the chance to up your activity levels by walking more and keeping things around the house spic and span!

As a freelance writer, I'm always on my butt and cooped up at home, typing. It's not the best lifestyle, which is why I try to walk at least 3,000 steps a day, taking mini breaks to get some fresh air and clear the mind. Doing so improved my train of thought and also helps keep me active, burning more to lose more.

You don't need to have an expensive fitness tracker for it, though! A step counter app like Pacer gives me a good estimate of how much I walk.

Also, while my parents and sister don't believe me, I try to clean my home, too. From decluttering to sweeping the entire unit; these little things count to prevent weight gain. Another plus: less allergies from the darn cat hair AND I'm becoming more independent! Next up: cleaning my CLOSET. :(

6. Sticking to a Schedule

A routine feels so boring and I love being spontaneous. Sometimes, I have to rearrange my schedule last minute because of biglaans and changes in time. But one thing I learned is to at least have an idea of when I should eat my breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Knowing the times you should be eating improves your energy and hunger cues. Just like with sleeping, your body will learn when it's truly hungry and when it should eat. As a result, it lessens the munchies and has you feeling less restless.

Your meal plan depends on your schedule, but this is mine:

9AM - breakfast
1PM - lunch
7PM - dinner

Some days, I accidentally skip or eat a little bit earlier or later than expected. But as long as it's around this time, I don't have much of a problem and feel better than just eating one huge meal a day.

7. Quitting Vices

Uh-huh, my family and boyfriend are right. STOP DRINKING!

Well, you don't need to completely stop it. However, I don't bother drinking when there is no occasion for it. I control myself rather than going overboard until I black out.

Not only does alcohol rack up on calories (a shot of tequila can contain almost 100 calories!), but too much of it will have you leaving very hungry and eating more than you should unconsciously. The hangover in the morning also leaves you with more disadvantages than reasons to drink.

The same goes for smoking, which affects your health in so many ways.

Those aren't the only addictive vices! Processed sugar and carbs are also a major vice people forget to look into, which has you gain more weight than energy.

So please, if you’re willing, I recommend you slowly quit these vices and opt for other ways to enjoy or cope with stress (again, it's exercise or talking for me).

8. Keep Yourself Distracted

When I was bored, I ate. When I wasn’t doing anything, I checked the fridge and ate. When I worked, I ate. It was such an irritating cycle, especially when I was already full but still wanted to keep eating!

What helped me most was keeping myself busy and distracted. Now while I work, I just have a glass of water beside me. I delve into what I'm doing rather than try to juggle chewing while typing. And if I feel like I need a break from work or studying, I step out for a short walk or I read.

Some people who struggle with binge eating have found coloring books and journaling quite helpful, too! As for me, I try to keep my eye on the goal of maintaining my weight rather than giving in to junk food, unless I deserve it and consider it a cheat meal during the weekend! :P

9. Be Patient and Enjoy the Process

Whether you want to lose or gain weight, improve your muscle mass, reach a financial goal, or whatever else you want to achieve, it will take time.

And sometimes, we realize the problem might not be the things we do to reach our goal, but the impatience we feel that makes us stop and give up.

Remember, you don't see results overnight. You might not even see results until after a few weeks have gone! But that doesn't mean you should give up and feel like it's a lost cause. Give it time, enjoy what you're doing, and focus on the bigger picture.

You're losing weight, not for what you see in the mirror, but for your own health and happiness! And I think learning this has helped me love myself and the process of keeping my body as it is.

Be patient and do NOT give up or feel like you can't keep moving forward with what you're doing. Keep going until it becomes a habit you enjoy! Take note, my weight loss took a year or two and I'm still a work in progress. It's the reason why my number one rule is to never stop what you're doing, especially if it means taking the healthy route.

It's Not Easy, But It's Possible!

As long as you are conscious of what's on your plate and choose the right types of dishes to eat, then you'll be able to start losing weight slowly but surely. It all boils down to taking small steps and celebrating achievements as you reach your goals! 

Remember, this is a whole lifestyle change, not a crash diet you stick to for a week and give up on. Be aware that you're not only doing this to feel confident in your own skin, but because your organs will thank you for it, too.

Hope I helped you out (also, thank you to Avery for helping me out with editing)! If you've got any questions or want to share your own weight loss tips, comment below or leave me a message on my Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. I appreciate all your comments! <3


  1. Odd carb trick burns up to 1LB per DAY

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  5. I can lose weight while eating whatever I want.Weight Loss Truth: Sir Isaac Newton once said " What goes up must come down." There are natural principles that govern our lives. If you throw a ball up in the air, it is going to come back down. You can sit on your couch and imagine and visualize that the ball will staying afloat in the air, but natural principles teach us that it will come down. Same goes when it comes to our weight. https://bit.ly/2W9ouKe This is one of the most common weight loss myths out there. It is illogical to think that your health and weight are going to be in balance if your nutrition consists mainly of twinkies, chips, and donuts. Sure you can burn it off by exercising, but most people whose diet consists of mainly junk food are probably not disciplined enough to stick to a workout routine. I do know a few people who, from the outside, look like they are in good shape, because they are not "fat, but who have high cholesterol.Just because I feel sorry for crushing the hearts of so many twinkie lovers out there, I would say this. You can eat junk food, cookies, chips, ice cream, pizza, burgers.... All of those "soul satisfying foods", but it should be in moderation. Anything in excess is never good.


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